Dynamically Resizing Queue

This post builds on the Event Queue Service post I made earlier. In that post, I made an event queue service that could handle up to a fixed number of events. In this post, I will upgrade my queue implementation to dynamically resize itself when it reaches its capacity.


In the previous post, I made an event queue service using a ring buffer. The ring buffer had a fixed size, and when it reached its capacity, it would not accept any more events. In this post, I’ll be making some changes to the queue implementation to allow it to resize itself when it reaches its capacity. I’ll be taking inspiration from the ArrayList class in Java, which doubles in size when it reaches its capacity. This is going to be a short post.


The implementation is quite simple. My ring buffer implementation needs only one new function, ensureCapacity, which would essentially do exactly what ArrayList does in Java. It creates a new buffer with twice the capacity of the old one and copies all the elements from the old buffer into the new one. It then updates the head and tail pointers to point to the correct elements in the new buffer.

I also need to update the Enqueue function to call ensureCapacity every time it is called. You can see the diff below:

diff --git a/ringbuffer.go b/ringbuffer.go
index c87e550..962e792 100644
--- a/ringbuffer.go
+++ b/ringbuffer.go
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
 package main

-import "errors"
+import (
+       "errors"
+       "math"

 type RingBuffer struct {
        buffer []interface{}
@@ -18,9 +21,27 @@ func NewRingBuffer(capacity int) *RingBuffer {

+func ensureCapacity(rb *RingBuffer, minCapacity int) error {
+       current := len(rb.buffer)
+       if minCapacity <= current {
+               return nil
+       }
+       if current*2 > math.MaxInt {
+               return errors.New("error: cannot ensure capacity for a buffer that is too large")
+       }
+       newBuffer := make([]interface{}, current*2)
+       for i := 0; i < rb.size; i++ {
+               newBuffer[i] = rb.buffer[(rb.head+i)%current]
+       }
+       rb.buffer = newBuffer
+       rb.head = 0
+       rb.tail = rb.size
+       return nil
 func (rb *RingBuffer) Enqueue(item interface{}) error {
-       if rb.size == len(rb.buffer) {
-               return errors.New("error: cannot enqueue to a full buffer")
+       if err := ensureCapacity(rb, rb.size+1); err != nil {
+               return err
        rb.buffer[rb.tail] = item
        rb.tail = (rb.tail + 1) % len(rb.buffer)


That was quick! Now my event queue service won’t run out of space when it reaches its capacity.